De nieuwe uProduce Marketing Console™ biedt een real time grafische weergave van de lopende campagnes waarbij de communicatie over alle media, zoals e-mail, SMS, Gepersonaliseerde websites, Papier en SMS wordt meegerekend.
Door de effectiviteit van de communicatie van verschillende boodschappen naar verschillende over verschillende media naar verschillende klanten te analyseren, kan snel het resultaat van de marketing campagne worden verbeterd.
Hieronder treft u het originele Engelstalige persbericht aan:
Breakthrough integration of cross media publishing with tracking, analysis and reporting tools sets a new benchmark for measurable performance
CHICAGO, 27 September, 2007 – Further extending the strength of its award-winning PersonalEffect™ dynamic publishing software, XMPie Inc. is now giving marketers the unprecedented ability to analyze their campaign behavior using an integrated view of events, actions and the individualized offerings, per recipient. This will give new meaning to managing ROI and real-time monitoring of one-to-one cross media marketing campaigns.
Announced at the Graph Expo, the year’s largest trade show for the printing and graphic communications industry, XMPie’s PersonalEffect version 4.0 variable-data publishing software makes it possible for print service providers, marketing service firms and enterprises to track and analyze campaign results in real-time, then immediately use the information to refine and improve the campaign’s creative theme, messaging, offers, etc., resulting in increased relevancy that helps deliver better results.
The PersonalEffect 4.0 tracking functionality is enabled through uCreate-XM – XMPie’s plug-in to Adobe Dreamweaver, XMPie’s uProduce Dashboard, and via XMPie’s Web services application programming interfaces (APIs). In addition, the open-platform nature of the architecture – a common characteristic of all XMPie solutions – allows for events from external systems to be recorded and included in the tracking history of a campaign.
Analysis and reporting is provided by the new uProduce Marketing Console™, which enables the user to create powerful reports for analyzing campaign performance. It also has a built-in dashboard that displays campaign results via multiple charts and graphs, which are configurable by the user.
“With the launch of these new tracking and reporting capabilities, we are helping our customers become true marketing services providers,” said Jacob Aizikowitz, president of XMPie. “We believe that with these tools we are bringing an unprecedented level of integration between publishing and marketing that sets a new benchmark in the industry. Those customers that take advantage of these capabilities will lead the industry and will be able to offer unique recurring, high-value services for their customers.”
Full-service marketing, communication and promotional agency Trekk Cross-Media uses several XMPie products, including PersonalEffect, to produce content-rich direct marketing programs that communicate to customers through multiple channels, including print, e-mail and the Web.
“A measurement tool such as the PersonalEffect Marketing Console proves invaluable as our clients are increasingly challenged to demonstrate the impact of their personalized cross media campaigns,” said Jeff Stewart, vice president of Technical Services, Trekk Cross-Media. “Having one comprehensive method for managing and evaluating each aspect of customer engagement helps eliminate the barriers that traditionally existed between the publishing and marketing worlds, allowing them to more effectively communicate and collaborate with one another.”
XMPie is also launching built-in e-mail composition and delivery capabilities that are fully integrated with the new tracking and reporting functionality of version 4.0. Two different types of e-mail functionality are provided, which differ in their ability to manage e-mail bounce backs and spam filters:
- The first type is based on using a customer’s standard SMTP server and sending e-mails with a conventional e-mail program.
- The second type is based on integrating commercial-grade e-mail solutions from third-party providers that manage bounce backs and work around spam filters. Integration with e-mail service provider ExactTarget is initially available.
PersonalEffect 4.0 will be available early November 2007.
About XMPie
XMPie Inc., a software business-unit of Xerox Corporation (NYSE: XRX), is the leading provider of software for cross-media, variable-data one-to-one marketing. Its solutions help businesses create and manage highly effective Cross Media campaigns, leveraging their market and customer information to achieve dramatic returns on their marketing dollars. XMPie software solutions are available in two award-winning collaborative lines: uDirect for desktop, print-only solutions, and PersonalEffect for server-based Cross Media publishing, campaign management and more. Add-on modules for specific solutions are available, including the award-winning uImage for image and graphics personalization; uStore, the Web-store platform; uEdit for Web-based document editing; and uProduce Marketing Console for analysis and management of one-to-one campaigns. XMPie is headquartered in New York with an R&D center in Israel and sales, support and professional services operations in the U.S., EMEA and Asia Pacific. For more information, visit
Over Xerox
Xerox Europe, de Europese organisatie van Xerox Corporation, levert een uitgebreide range aan Xerox producten, oplossingen en diensten, alsmede bijbehorende supplies en software. Het aanbod is met name gericht op een drietal marktsegmenten: kantoren van klein tot groot, de markt voor productieprinten en grafische omgevingen, alsmede dienstverlening, met inbegrip van advisering, systeemontwikkeling, content management en document outsourcing.
Xerox Europe heeft productievestigingen in Nederland, Ierland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk en een geavanceerd R&D centrum (Xerox Research Centre Europe) in Grenoble, Frankrijk. Voor meer informatie, ga naar
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