Uxbridge, UK – Europart, Europe’s leading commercial vehicle parts supplier based in Hagen, Germany, has signed an extensive service contract with Xerox Global Services. Xerox, along with its partners, will manage Europart’s on-site and off-site print services, invoice processing, and customer service contact centre. The contract commences in March 2008 for a period of seven years and is worth over €60 million.

Off-Site Print Services

Xerox performed a detailed analysis of Europart’s entire document processes. Resulting in guaranteed cost savings of more than 20 percent in some areas of the business, Europart will discontinue its own digital print production facilities, including three Xerox iGen3 production lines, and restructure the procurement processes for high-volume printing from the ground up. In future, Xerox Premier Partners will take over responsibility for printing Europart’s documents, such as sales and marketing brochures. Consequently, Europart will be able to reduce production costs and profit from leaner, more efficient workflows.

On-Site Print Services

In Germany alone, almost 1,200 Europart employees print and process over eight million pages a year. Up until now, Europart’s print infrastructure consisted of a mixture of 600 printers, scanners and faxes from a wide range of different manufacturers. In the course of the contract with Xerox, these will be replaced by 232 networked multifunctional devices, boosting productivity and efficiency. In addition, service and maintenance contracts will be consolidated, reducing costs even further.

Contact Centre Management

Together with its partner SNT AG, Xerox Global Services is also taking responsibility for Europart’s customer service contact centre in more than 20 countries around the world. Approximately 72,000 incoming calls are received each year which were previously processed by the company’s own service contact centre in Germany and international callers could only be dealt with locally. With customer service handled by a single source, Europart can now provide a professional customer service to its customers in 17 different languages.

Invoice Processing

Supplier invoice approval processes and delivery order management are also covered in the contract. Together with Xerox, Europart will centralise the processes involved, improve their efficiencies and make documents accessible to all employees. These areas run up print volumes of about nine million pages per year. Optimising these processes is estimated to save Europart up to 20 percent in costs alone.

Europart’s director Alexander Graf von Matuschka-Greiffenclau is pleased with the result. He said: “We have been extremely impressed by both the advisory skills and creative solutions that Xerox has offered us. We are very much looking forward to working together with Xerox.”


About Xerox

Xerox markets a comprehensive range of Xerox products, solutions and services, as well as associated supplies and software. Its offerings are focused on three main areas: offices from small to large, production print and graphic arts environments, and services that include consulting, systems design and management, and document outsourcing.

Xerox also has manufacturing and logistics operations in Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands, and a research and development facility (Xerox Research Centre Europe) in Grenoble, France. For more information visit, www.xerox.com

Xerox Graphic Arts Premier Partners is an exclusive global community of innovative digital printing, graphic arts and communication companies that is defining the future of the print industry. For more information on the Xerox Premier Partner network, please visit www.xerox.com/xpp

Xerox is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. All non-Xerox brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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 Trimedia (voor Xerox)
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